NWA 11165 (115,540 g)
Northwest Africa 11165 (NWA 11165)
(Northwest Africa)
Purchased: 2016
Classification: HED achondrite (Eucrite, brecciated)
History: The meteorite was bought in 2016 from a Moroccan meteorite dealer at a mineral fair in Munich, Germany.
Physical characteristics: Many dark-brownish individuals without fusion crust.
Petrography: The meteorite is a breccia composed of basaltic and impact melt fragments set into abundant clastic matrix. Basaltic clasts and matrix are dominated by exsolved pyroxene and calcic plagioclase up to 1mm in size. Minor phases are silica, chromite, FeS, FeNi metal, and ilmenite. No metallic Fe was found. The meteorite is cut by several shock melt veins.
Geochemistry: low-Ca pyroxene: Fs43.2±14.6Wo2.8±0.6 (Fs21.7-60.0Wo1.8-4.5, n=39, FeO/MnO=26-32); Ca-pyroxene: Fs28.6±0.5Wo41.3±0.5 (Fs27.9-29.7Wo40.6-42.1, n=15, FeO/MnO=28-31); calcic plagioclase: An92.0±1.1 (An90.7-93.3, n=19)
Place of purchase: Munich, Germany
Date: P 2016
Mass (g): 1005
Pieces: many
Class: Eucrite-br
Shock stage: moderate
Weathering grade: moderate
Ferrosilite (mol%): 43.2; 28.6
Wollastonite (mol%): 2.8; 41.3
Classifier: A. Greshake, MNB
Type spec mass (g): 22.3
Type spec location: MNB
Main mass: Hanno Strufe
Comments: Submitted by Ansgar Greshake