NWA 7692 (14,120g)
Place of purchase: | Erfoud, Morocco |
Date: | P 2012 |
Mass (g): | 444 |
Pieces: | 7 |
Class: | CV3 |
Shock stage: | S1 |
Weathering grade: | W2 |
Fayalite (mol%): | 2±2.6 (0.3-9.9, n=18) |
Ferrosilite (mol%): | 1.2±0.4 (0.7-2.1, n=21 |
Classifier: | A. Greshake, MNB |
Type spec mass (g): | 25.2 |
Type spec location: | MNB |
Main mass: | Hanno Strufe |
Comments: | The meteorite displays an overall brownish to black interior with prominent up to 2 cm sized CAIs and amoeboid olivine aggregates. Chondrules are abundant and generally Fe-poor. Contains up to 2-cm-sized black inclusions consisting of almost completely altered chondules and chondrule fragments set in a phyllosilicate-rich fine-grained matrix.; submitted by Ansgar Greshake |
113,00 €Preis