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NWA 15818  ( 6,000 g )

NWA 15818 ( 6,000 g )

Northwest Africa 15818 (NWA 15818)

(Northwest Africa)

Purchased: 2022

Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CO3)

History: The meteorite was purchased from a meteorite dealer in Mauritania.

Physical characteristics: Two large rocks weighing 5005 and 645 g, plus many small fargments, some partly covered with fusion crust.

Petrography: The meteorite shows a brownish interior and is predominantly composed of abundant small chondrules, CAIs, and mineral fragments set into a fine-grained matrix. Chondrules have a mean diameter of about 150 µm. Opaque phases are metal and troilite partly altered to iron oxides and hydroxides.

Geochemistry: Oxygen isotopic composition (J. Gattacceca, C. Sonzogni, D. Au Yang, CEREGE) from analysis of one acid-washed 2.5 mg aliquot of a powdered 104 mg bulk sample is δ17O=-4.398‰, δ18O=-1.324‰ , Δ17O=-3.710‰ (slope 0.52, analytical uncertainties 0.08‰, 0.12‰, 0.03‰, respectively)


Place of purchase:Mauritania
Date:P 2022
Mass (g):5650
Shock stage:S1
Weathering grade:moderate
Fayalite (mol%):19.7±21.0 (0.6-65.1, n=18)
Ferrosilite (mol%):2.7±1.6 (1.0-5.6, n=12)
Wollastonite (mol%):1.2±0.3 (0.9-1.7, n=12)
Magnetic suscept.:4.64
Classifier:A. Greshake, MNB
Type spec mass (g):29.2
Type spec location:MNB
Main mass:Boulaouane Taleb Ahmed
Comments:Submitted by Ansgar Greshake


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