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NWA 8089  ( 0,930 g )

NWA 8089 ( 0,930 g )

Northwest Africa 8089 (NWA 8089)

(Northwest Africa)

Purchased: 2013 July

Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2)

Petrography: (A. Greshake, MNB) The small almost black stones are composed of small (about 0.3 mm in diameter) chondrules and rare CAIs set into a dark matrix of mainly phyllosilicates. Matrix dominates over chondrules, CAIs, and rare Fe,Ni-metal grains and most chondrules and CAIs are surrounded by fine-grained accretionary rims.


Place of purchase:Erfoud, Morocco
Date:P 2013 July
Mass (g):13
Shock stage:moderate
Weathering grade:moderate
Fayalite (mol%):8.4±11.4 (0.7-34.2, n=19)
Ferrosilite (mol%):2.4±2 (0.7-6.5, n=21)
Classifier:A. Greshake, MNB
Type spec mass (g):2.8
Type spec location:MNB
Main mass:Hanno Strufe
Comments:Submitted by Ansgar Greshake


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